In the midst of a shimmering, jazzy lounge atmosphere, beings from another universe appear. Thus begins a cosmic and seductive dance in which three figures dance in circles around a red capsule. Flying saucer or time machine? At each turn, their story develops, as do their relationships and encounters. In the end, this repetitive, chtonian round dance goes abruptly off the rails.
MOLECULTRIO is an unclassifiable, absurd, retro-futuristic show in which we spin in circles around three towers of donut-shaped buoys. It's probably about American hegemony, its smile, its terribly seductive charm, and its compulsive, destructive madness. We are dancing this piece as part of the Tanzfaktor 2020 tour, organised by RESO danse suisse.
CONCEPTION : Marius Barthaux, Karine Dahouindji et Nicolas Fernando Mayorga Ramirez CHOREOGRAPHY AND PERFORMANCE : Marius Barthaux, Karine Dahouindji, Adèl Juhász, Elie Autin LIGHTS : Antoine Friedericci SCENOGRAPHY : Valentin Dubois PRODUCTION : Cie des Marmots, Le Voisin COPRODUCTIONS : Théâtre Sévelin 36, Lausanne ADMINISTRATION AND DISTRIBUTION : Anna Ladeira / Le Voisin